Thursday, 14 June 2012

Gear - Straitjackets

Can't beat a bit of Straitjacket play.  I'm lucky enough to get to play in them fairly often and I enjoy the way they restrict my movement, it's like a comfortable bondage hug which never gets tiring.  Okay, strike that remark, I've only spent 3 hours in one, come back to me when I've spent 24 hours in one and see what I say!  A picture paints a thousand words, so I thought I'd include a few of me all Jacketed up:

I once got to play in the coveted Fetters Leather Straitjacket.  I really want one of these and it's my goal to obtain one in the not too distance future...I hope!


  1. Leather straitjacket must be awesome :)

  2. They are, although nothing really beats the Fetters model, it's the best imo.
