Thursday, 28 June 2012

100,000 Hits!

The blog has just hit 100,000 views!  A big thank you to all the readers and contributors for help making this blog a success.  When I started out, I never dreamed I'd get 10,000 views, let alone 100,000!  I'm hoping this blog continues to go from strength to strength and you keep enjoying the material.  Over the next 6 months I am going to be developing a few ideas which I hope you all like, and which I hope might allow this blog and material to connect to an ever bigger audience.  Watch this space...


  1. Congrats! Although I hate to disappoint you--I think 50,000 of those hits are from me. LOVE your site. Keep up the great work.

  2. CONGRATULATION! HMB, I'm avid fan of your blog!

  3. Congratulations!! Keep it going!! Woof Woof!!

  4. Thanks guys I do appreciate it! The blog would be nothing if you didn't stop by and visit - so keep on cumming, even 50,000 times! ;o)

  5. Well done, my Heavy Metal friend. Keep up the good work
