Thursday, 1 March 2012

Chastity - 13 Days...

...since I last ejaculated.  I'm locked up again and don't know when I'll get to cum.  Having some friends over for catch up and fun at the weekend, who knows if it'll be the magic moment?  Part of me wants this torment to continue, and the other wants relief.  What is that saying 'When the balls are full, the mind is empty!'


  1. Oo la la! Kept tied up and gagged too?! 'When the balls are full, the mind is overactive'!

  2. may be some teasing the weekend and then again
    poor bear will be super horny :D

  3. I take it you approve of this... ;o)

  4. Have you been 'freed'? You know...wink wink.....

  5. Have you been freed of your 13 days of agony and ecstasy?

  6. Wonder if the guys over at The Guinness Book of Records will be interested...

  7. Nah, I know other guys who haven't cum for months. I really shouldn't complain...

  8. Months?! As in periods of 30/31 days?! You're sure they haven't gone raving mad?!

  9. Yeah, months. One guy I know has been locked up for 18 months so far. The body takes care of itself after a while, but those aren't like normally orgasms...

  10. God! There's such a lot I've to learn.........

  11. Me too! You never stop learning with this Bondage lark. Oh and for the record, I got to cum last night!

  12. ....meanwhile a spokesperson from Buckingham Palace said,"The Queen and her family are terribly pleased that HMB has finally been allowed to shoot his load! It's a load off their....ehem...chests." ;-)

  13. The EU leaders, discussing the hopelessly desperate situation in some of the member countries, compared it to HMB's erotic ordeal.
    A visibly proud British PM remarked, "This big chested young Briton, by shooting his load after nearly a fortnight in enforced cum denial, has shown us that with a bit of patience and a lot of hardship,we can achieve the impossible!"
    The applause was deafening and the atmosphere was one of optimism. The Greek PM, hardly surprisingly, didn't join in the celebration......

  14. Hahaha!

    I'm glad the subject of my chastity is in great debate at the EU!
